
We specialize in developing fully automated financial modelling solutions from first principles for
clients with specific expertise in the following areas:


Cost and Revenue Modelling

 Business Plan Forecasting

 Benefits Realisation

Commercial Modelling

 Utilities - Regulatory Modelling

 Digital Transformation

 VBA – model automation


Our financial modelling team have extensive experience and consulting expertise across both the
private and public sector in GB and Ireland and adhere to the FAST Methodology to ensure a robust modelling framework.
Our financial modellers are adept at client engagement, understanding and defining the problem
and tailoring a financial modelling solution to help deliver an outcome.
We specialize in creative solutions to complex problems in a financial modelling context.
Notable clients include Ofgem, Capita , National Records
Scotland, Birmingham City Council, Southampton City Council, London Borough of Lambeth,
Environmental Protection Agency, TFL, Network Rail, The Utility Regulator & Viridian Power and Energy